School Logo

East Bridgford St Peter's Church of England Academy

Reception Mrs Gibbens

We would like to start by saying a very warm welcome to all of the children and their parents to our class page.

We have already had a very exciting and busy first term with the children as they have settled into Reception, made new friends and embarked on their school journey.



Useful Information


  • We will read with your child and will change their reading book on a weekly basis

  •  Phonics takes place every day and we will let you know which letters/digraphs/trigraphs we are practising each week


  • Your child will have a show and tell day once a week ( Their day is written in their diary).


How you can help:

  • Please ensure they have a labelled PE kit in school ( Plimsoles/trainers are not required unless your child prefers not to do PE in bare feet. We will inform you when we need them to do outdoor

  • Reading with your child both through their school reading books and sharing story books with them.

  • Practise their key words with them. ( They are always very exciting to get a stamp from Mrs Verner)

  • Please can you ensure your child has a coat in school at all times as we go out to play in all weather.



  If you have any queries or concerns please do not hesitate to pop in and talk to us. We are available after school anytime

or you can book an appointment with Mrs Gibbens.


        The Reception team

         Mrs Gibbens

         Mrs  Morrell

         Mrs Verner

Enjoying Poetry with the poet Andy Tooze.
