Key Stage 1 Infants Mrs Lewis
Hello and welcome to Mrs Lewis' Class Page
On this page you will find some useful information and resources that can be used at home with your child but also general information about Year 2 expectations. At St Peter’s we follow the school’s personalised ‘Active Curriculum’, which weaves both the new National Curriculum strands with Key skills that each year groups are expected to be taught across all areas of the curriculum. This year Key Stage One will all follow the same topics.
Maths – Below is a brief outline of the areas we will study this year:
- Calculation
- Place Value
- Shape
- Measurement
- Position and Direction
- Fractions
English – Below is a brief outline of the areas we will study in Literacy this year:
- Stories with a familiar setting
- Traditional Poetry
- Fantasy Settings
- Instructions
- Traditional Tales/Fairy Tales with a twist
- Explanations
- Different stories by the same author/Author Study
- Information texts: fact files/reports
- Stories from other cultures.
- Persuasion: adverts
- Recounts: postcards/diaries/letters
- Poems on a theme
- Animals
- Living things and habitats
- Classifying and grouping Materials
Changing Materials
- Plants
- The History of Nottingham (Robin Hood)
- The Great Fire of London; focusing of London parliament.
- The 1960s
- Map Skills – locating and naming UK cities
- Local study – Nottingham City and Nottinghamshire
- A Non-European Study
- Myself, God and Creation
- Christmas
- Diwali
- Stories of Jesus
- Easter
- Celebrations and Festivals
- Leaders
Useful Information
- Every week we will send out a class newsletter which will let you know what we have been up to that week. It will also detail any homework which we would like the children to complete.
- PE kits are needed to be kept at school.
- Family Box - there is a timetable on the class door which states when your child will be bringing the Family Box home. It will be taken home each Friday and then returned the following Friday for Family Box time. Instructions and information are inside the family box - don't worry it shouldn't take too much of your valuable time - but it is a lovely activity to do with your child.
Any questions, queries or anything at all please do not hesitate to pop in and see me.
Mrs Lewis :)