Class 5
Welcome to Class 5!
Welcome to the mighty and gorgeous Year 5! We look forward to an action packed year with lots of fun activities - Cat Topic, bread making, Sci-fi movie making, illustration and story lab - the list is endless. We have a weekly maths challenge and aim to be amazingly fast and fluent at all our times tables and number bond facts. Every Wednesday afternoon, we do lacrosse outside and next year we will be taking part in Gordon Fearn Know the Game weekly sports workshops and having French lessons.
We have Classpals in Australia, the Orkney Islands and Zimbabwe (through Oddizzi) and a school link in Finland. We create maps using DIGIMAPS (user name NG138PG, password spilds52), and have personal logins for Mathletics and PurpleMash - please try to use them all when you have some free time.
Have you seen the Kids’ Zone? Play games and visit some cool websites. You can vote for your favourites.
Year 5 Letters
Science Fiction Trailer starring Year 5
A trailer for the epic film created by Adam pepper of Silver Screen Productions and Year 5. Be prepared to be amazed!