Class 3
Welcome to year 3!
Mrs Cains teaches on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and Mrs Gilbey teaches on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Mr Walsh is with us from Tuesday to Friday each week. The class is also supported by Mrs Smith at various times throughout the week.
Key information:
- P.E. every Monday afternoon with Harvey Stevens. If the weather is fine, this will be football otherwise Harvey will coach all the children for table tennis indoors.
- Times table tests will take place every Wednesday morning and your child will need their red times table book on that day.
- Our residential visit to Dukes Barn in Derbyshire is booked for Wednesday 21st - 23rd June 2017.
- Each Friday we will send out a homework letter. This will also be available to download from here.
- DUKES BARN INFORMATION MEETING: Wednesday 10th May at 3.40pm in the Year 3 classroom. Information will be sent out if you are unable to attend. It will also be available to view on this page after the 10th May.
If your child has created a PowerPoint presentation that they would like to show to the class, please send it to Mr. Walsh at: