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East Bridgford St Peter's Church of England Academy

Key Stage 1 Infants Miss Fisher

I would like to start by saying a very warm welcome to all of the children and their parents! This year is already looking to be a very exciting (and busy) one. throughout year, we will be: making a difference in the world, becoming masters of our learning, digging deeper into the mysteries of the world around us and discovering more about ourselves and those around us! It is an exciting time and it is our aim to ensure that the children will be working hard and challenging themselves to become excellent, enthusiastic and independent learners. It is crammed with opportunities for the children to create and explore!




Useful Information

  • Every week we will send out a class newsletter which will let you know what we have been up to that week. It will also detail any homework which we would like the children to complete.

  • Reading will take place every day ensuring that each childs reading is heard at least once a week. Please be understanding that we cannot change books daily as this will interrupt our very busy learning timetable. Phonics takes place every day ensuring reading, writing and spelling skills are being taught, practised and applied.


    How you can help:

  • Correct school PE kits will be needed every day. Kits should be appropriate for the season i.e. both outdoor and indoor kits are needed for the winter months. PE will take place on Tuesdays and Fridays.

  • Children receive weekly homework which is collected on a Friday.

  • Read with your child every day, and ask them questions about the text. Please record in their diaries the pages they have read and initial this to enable good communication between home and school. This recording is seen as evidence that they have read every day and is treated as homework.


    At St Peter’s we follow the school’s personalised ‘Active Curriculum’, which weaves both the new National Curriculum strands with Key skills that each year group is expected to be taught across all areas of the curriculum. This year Key Stage One will all follow the same topics.


    Maths – Below is a brief outline of the areas we will study this year:

  • Calculation

  • Place Value

  • Shape

  • Measurement

  • Position and Direction

  • Fractions


    English – Below is a brief outline of the areas we will study this year:

  • Stories with a familiar setting

  • Traditional Poetry

  • Fantasy Settings

  • Instructions

  • Traditional Tales/Fairy Tales with a twist

  • Explanations

  • Different stories by the same author/Author Study

  • Information texts: fact files/reports

  • Stories from other cultures.

  • Persuasion: adverts

  • Recounts: postcards/diaries/letters

  • Poems on a theme



    Animals including Humans: Amazing me!

    Seasonal changes: Wild Weather

    Everyday Materials: Brilliant Builders

    Plants Growing things

    Animals including Humans: Wild and wonderful creatures

    Living things and their habitats: Food Chains



    Events beyond living memory: Remembrance Day and Guy Fawkes

    Changes within living memory: Toys and Books

    Explorers: Famous for more than 5 minutes.



    Weather experts: Extreme Weather

    Our school and local area: The Park

    Ocean and Seas of the World



    What does it mean to belong? Creation

    Christmas/ Hanukkah

    Jewish and Christian Stories

    Easter Celebrations and Salvation

    Symbols from the Gospel – Pentacost

    Believing – Judaism



    ABC (agility, balance and coordination)

    Dance/Movement to music

    Team Games

    Mrs Wale’s sessions on a Tuesday



    Willersly Castle (Thursday 16th and 17th May 2019 YEAR 2 CHILDREN ONLY)


    Finally, we look forward to an amazing and creative year; we appreciate the commitment and dedication from home and look forward to the pupils growing in confidence, independence and maturity throughout the year. If you have any queries, please feel free to pop in and ask. We are available to see parents or guardians after school. This can be by appointment if you would like to discuss your child in detail or just pop in if it is a general query.


    Miss Fisher


