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East Bridgford St Peter's Church of England Academy

School History

East Bridgford through time PHOTOS / SCANS

Date of this picture unknown

Date of this picture unknown.

The original St. Peter's School opened on 4th January 1864 when 26 boys and 17 girls were admitted. At first, it operated as virtually two schools, the boys and girls being taught separately, until 1878 when classes became mixed. For many years, the school functioned as an all range school, which provided elementary education for East Bridgford and Newton Village children. 

Mr Henry Goldston, a church organist and great lover of the countryside, was headmaster from 1885 to 1923.

Mr Nelson Rhodes. A great church worker and sportsman, he identified himself fully with the life of the village and played football and cricket. He stayed for 34 years. 1923-1957

Memories from the community

In 1924 the children of Kneeton were added. During the Second World War, evacuee children from the Sheffield area came to the village. The first contingent of children from the Royal Air Force Camp at Newton arrived here in 1945. Immediately there were accommodation problems . The school was reorganised into a Junior and Infant mixed School in 1950 when the Senior children were transferred to the Robert Thoroton Secondary School and later to the Toot Hill Secondary School, Bingham

Mr Hugh Rees was appointed in 1957. His chief interests were Rural Studies, Art and Craftwork. He was the Secretary of the Nottinghamshire Rural Studies Association and a Past President of the South Notts. Head Teachers' Association. 1957 - 1970

In 1955, the first of three spooner built classrooms were added and a spacious assembly hall was completed and opened in 1960. Here is the 100 Centenary Celebrations Souvenir Programme























Grass seeds were sown by seed drill on a warm dry day, in just over a fortnight the grass was plainly visible.



Workmen uprooted all the old twisted apple trees by means of a money winch. Mr A Marlow is seen here in charge of operations.

1961 during the Easter holidays the apple trees were sawn up. The solid trunks were kept for garden seats and the rest stacked and burnt.


Possibly 1961, David Bennett is planting an almond tree. Groups of children were selected form each class to plant trees.

The following year, there began a three year scheme for the development of a School Garden by virtue of a Rural Studies grant from the Nottinghamshire Education Authority. This garden was to be officially opened during the School's centenary celebrations.


Art and Craftwork were popular subjects which included basketry, pottery, raffia work, netting, rope making and fabric printing.

The Junior Recorder Group is under the direction of Mrs A E Squires, Deputy Head Teacher and Music Mistress.

Over 180 dinners were served at the School each day. The dinners were supplied by the Bingham Central Kitchen.

June 1964

Traditional crowning of the 'Flower Queen' - Linda Ellis- was performed in the Centenary Year 1964




Letter from Headmaster H Rees, June 1966

Over two hundred and seventy children attend St. Peter's School. They come from East Bridgford, Kneeton, Newton Village and the Newton R.A.F. Camp.

With the development of East Bridgford village, the local Authority has provided added accommodation to meet the needs of the growing population.

The new extensions built by the Clasp system, were begun in April 1965 and completed in December of the same year.

They consist of three classrooms, a craftroom, a staffroom, a headteacher's room, a stockroom, toilets, a library and a fully equipped kitchen. This kitchen, now fully staffed serves over two hundred meals a day.

Our thanks are due to the Nottinghamshire Local Authority, the Director of Education, Mr W G Lawson B.A. and his officers, the County Architect and his staff, the School Meals Advisers and the local Board of Management for their co-operation, advice and support in providing East Bridgford School with this much needed accommodation and new facilities.

H Rees, Headmaster

1966 May Pole dancing organised by Miss Teresa Scott, an exchange teacher from Western Australia, on the official opening of new school buildings.


1966 Crowning of the Flower Queen - Helen Corness - on the Official opening of the new school buildings.

Dates of the following photos unknown:

Three Junior boys attempt to build a waterfall at the head of the garden pool

May Pole dancing on the school lawn on open day

Children examining caterpillars found in Sorbus Tree Plantation

Small plots were specially designed so that two children could plant and weed in season. Each plot measured about 1 and half yards square.


Possibly around 1967 when the office, staffroom and Year 4, 5 and 6 classrooms were built.

Mr Garth Powell took over as head in 1970.

Christmas 1980 - Sleeping Beauty

David Bellamy came to visit in 1983.

1991 - members from R.A.F. Newton came to visit.

Mr David Maddison took over as Headteacher in 1994.

A view of the Year 5 classroom and staffroom from 1996

A view of the old building in 1996

A view of the back of Year 5 and 4 classrooms from 1996


2013 New Build Year 6 classroom

July 2017 - Building works begin on the new classroom extensions

Building work complete

July 2018 - Official opening of our new extension and refurbishment. Robert Jenrick MP cuts the ribbon. Peter Golightly, Chair of Governors. Richard Tomlinson, Head Teacher.

Building plan drawings. 1950s we understand

Old building internal repairs July 2021

Internal old building floor renovation. July/August 2021

St Peter's playground tree September 2021

WI present a slice of East Bridgford history to the school

Roofing works Easter 2022

Platinum Jubilee

King's Coronation celebration. May 2023
