School Meals/Menus
Please be aware that we have pupils in school with nut allergies – we would appreciate your assistance by not sending your child to school (or on trips) with food containing nuts/coconut.
Please cut up foods which could potentially cause choking eg grapes, cherry tomatoes - thank you!
School Dinners
At St Peter's we are proud to say we have a regular weekly uptake of 80%+ school dinners. Mrs Plumb and Co. are an exceptional kitchen team who care deeply about the food they prepare and serve. Dietary requirements can be catered for, speak directly to our amazing Mrs Plumb.
A Jacket Potato option (served with cheese or tuna) is available daily. If you would like to order this for your Preschool, Reception or KS1 child/ren, please phone the office by 9.00am. Children in KS2 will choose their lunch option during registration.
Spring Term 1 Menu 🍽️
New Climate Friendly Mondays -
No tuna option but cheese and baked beans with Jacket Potatoes.
Our school focus is on providing a healthy menu of low carbon intensive foods to create a culture in which people’s wellbeing is enhanced. We strive for our children to understand that through their daily menu choices, they can be a powerful advocate for not just their own health, but the future of a healthy planet.
Our school culture of sustainability and decarbonisation is pupil-led. Pupils know they can make sustainable choices every day in the food they choose. This includes meat free days and balanced menu choices which advocate low-carbon food, encourages justice and courageous advocacy, enabling pupils to make ethical choices and to be agents of change.

KS2 (Years 3,4,5 & 6) £2.95 per day
KS1 (Reception, Years 1 & 2) No charge
(£1.95 for Preschool)
Please ensure your child's dinners are paid for in advance via ParentPay (preferred method of payment), or by sending payment to the school office. Please make cheques payable to St. Peter's C of E Academy, stating your child's name and what the payment is for on the back. We would be grateful if cheques for dinner money do not include amounts for other payments.
Family Service
We're proud of our Year 6 children who ‘take care’ of our younger children at lunchtime. Helping to serve food, encourage table manners and being role models to pass on our Take Care legacy
Free School Meals
Any parent wishing to apply for free school meals should apply here, or contact the NCC customer service centre on 0300 500 8080.
Fruit Snack
Fruit is provided as a morning snack in school for Preschool, Reception and Key Stage 1 children free of charge. It is also available for Key Stage 2 children by completing the 'Breaktime fruit' form at the beginning of each term.
If you would like your child to receive milk and they are not already registered, please register your child online for school milk at If you require a paper form please contact the office. The subsidised price is around £14 per term for over-fives.
Preschool and Reception children up to the age of 5 receive daily milk in school, free of charge.
Packed Lunch
If your child prefers a packed lunch we encourage a healthy balanced lunch box, *see image example below. Government guidelines suggest this also. To prevent potential choking please cut up food items which may potentially cause choking eg grapes, cherry tomatoes.
Staff are regularly trained in choking recovery and First Aid. We ask children if they are choking or are sitting next to someone who appears to be choking to stand up and wave their arms above their head to gain attention.

Christmas Dinner Day!
Prepared and served by our Catering and Midday Supervisor teams.
This year Christmas Dinner Day is 12th December. The charge for KS2 children is £5.50 and for preschool children £4.00