Preschool FAQ
A warm welcome to all our Preschool children and their families. Please find below answers to some common questions we are asked.
What should my child wear?
Uniform is not compulsory for Preschool children, although we would recommend that children do not wear their best clothes given the sometimes messy nature of the activities we provide. If however you would like your child to wear uniform then this can be ordered through our supplier. Please see below for further details.
Preschool children do go outside most days in all types of weather so please ensure that suitable coats, gloves, hats, sun hats are provided. If your child arrives wearing wellies they will also need a pair of shoes to change into.
Please also name your child's clothing so that any lost items can be returned promptly.
Does my child need to be toilet trained?
Learning to use the toilet is a big event in a young child͛s life. We work in partnership with parents/carers and any other professionals involved. We give support and praise to every child learning to use the toilet and offer gentle reminders throughout the day, encouraging children to use the toilet, especially after meals or half an hour after having a drink.
We ask that those children not toilet trained wear "big boy/big girl" pull ups as we have limited changing space. Children will always be supervised and fully supported when toilet training. We have been known to sing rhymes, read books and have in depth conversations about Paw Patrol all to get your child comfortable and confident in using the toilet! We have steps and seats to use too. Good hygiene practices are always followed and the children are shown how to use the toilet and how to wash their hands each time they are changed or have used the toilet.
Occasional toileting accidents are normal and your child will be cleaned and changed following our usual procedures.
Please ensure that clothing is easy to pull up/down (dungarees, tights and buttons are difficult when you need to go quickly!) and provide bags and wipes and lots of spare clothes!
Will my child get a drink and snack?
The children have the option of having a 1/3 pint of milk daily (please register your child using the information on Cool Milk provided) which the children have during the morning session. We provide one piece of fruit or raw veg and the children are encouraged to help themselves during morning/afternoon snack time. Fruit is given as a whole piece and not cut up. You do not need to provide anything as the children will have their own named cups. Water is available at all times.
What are some of your daily routines?
Once settled into Preschool, children say goodbye to their parents/carers at the entrance door and are encouraged to hang up up their own coats and bags on their named pegs (also with a picture to help them find it) in the cloakroom. They then come into the classroom and self register by finding their name card (same as their coat peg), putting it into the box.
A typical morning and afternoon session will include registration, talk for writing, followed by free play both inside and outside (including craft/ small world/ sand play/water play/ construction/ role-play/ book corner/ playdough gym/funky fingers/ planned adult-led activities/ snack table open), circle time (letters and sounds/maths/PSE activity), free play inside, tidy up time, singing/story time.
We organise our session so that the children can choose from and work at a range of activities and in doing so, build up their ability to select and work through a task to it's completion. The children are also helped and encouraged to take part in adult-led small and large group activities to introduce them to new experiences and help them to gain new skills, as well as helping them to learn to work with others. Outdoor activities contribute to children's health, their physical development and their knowledge of the world around them. The children have the opportunity, and are encouraged, to take part in outdoor child-chosen and adult-led activities, as well as those provided in the indoor playroom.
Children are then collected, at 11.30 am (before lunch club) or 12.30 pm (after lunch club) from the large blue gates at the bottom of the playground (a staff member will accompany your child and meet you at the gate) or at 3.30 pm from the same door from which they entered (there will then be access through the playground).
Do children take part in P.E sessions? What clothes are needed?
Yes! Preschool have use of the hall every Thursday morning for our P.E sessions. This will involve anything from a mini-assault course, yoga, dance, ring games, music and movement or acting out stories and rhymes. If your child attends on a P.E morning please ensure that your child has a bag with named shorts and t-shirt (plimsolls/trainers are not required as we do this in bare feet). The bag can then be left at preschool and taken home at the end of term for washing.
How will I know what my child is doing and learning?
Whenever you ask they always say playing or nothing! This is very common!
Please take a look at our Preschool Class page (click on the link below) which shows some lovely photos. We also show here information that highlights "What we are learning this week?" where you will find details of the topic being covered, how we will be covering this as well as some simple ideas for you to try at home.
Dedicated pages for our youngest children and information about the Early Years Foundation Stage can be found below.
Key Person
Our experienced and caring staff are dedicated to making children happy, safe and ready for school. Although all Preschool staff work and play with all the Preschool children, every child has a Key Person who will follow their progress closely, and work with parents to build a picture of each area of learning.
Preschool staff will keep parents/carers informed of all aspects of their child’s well being, development and learning journey, through informal conversations (at drop off/collection) or at open mornings/afternoons/parents evenings (usually 1 per term). We also love to hear from you about anything that you wish to tell us about your child’s achievements and progress.
Keep an eye out for "Wow moments". These are given to the children when they have done something extra special, are trying really hard, have been observed or heard to do a "Take Care job". If your child gets one please ask them about it. (They normally come out of Preschool feeling very proud of themselves!). Please feel free to give us your own "Wow moments" so that we can also recognise and celebrate your child's achievements at home.
Preschool staff are always available to discuss any questions or concerns you may have regarding your child. Please speak to staff and an appointment can be arranged.
What are the benefits of being next door to the Reception class?
The Preschool day-to-day routines/planning of activities for Preschool children/observations and assessments of your child’s learning and development are organised and run by the Preschool team and is overseen and supported by Mrs Gibbens (Foundation Stage (1 &2) Leader). During your child's time at Preschool they will become very familiar with the Reception teachers, as well as the layout of the Reception classroom. The Preschool and Reception teachers work together as a team, supporting and encouraging all of the children in the foundation stage as they start their learning journey through the school. This makes the first few years of education a time of emotional security, which builds confidence and reduces the stress which can be caused by transition. Children have familiar routines, classrooms, outside spaces and work with the same team of familiar adults.
We live in Newton. Can my child come to Preschool and return home on the school bus?
It is Nottinghamshire County Council's policy to only let Reception children ride the school bus, not Preschool children. They state,
2.2.1 Pupils aged four years old in full-time education
Pupils aged four years old in full-time statutory education are entitled to free transport to their nearest qualifying (catchment area) school from the start of the academic year in which they become five, if that school is two miles or more from home.
Full details can be found at
How do I find out about school dinners (lunch club)?
Lunch club provides the opportunity for children to have their lunch with the other children in the hall, in the main building at St Peter’s C of E Academy. Preschool children are seated first before any of the other children arrive. They have the same daily table and are served by the Preschool staff. Good table manners and use of cutlery are encouraged. School dinners are healthy and nutritious and are cooked on site by the Catering Team. It is a valuable experience enabling children to become familiar with the school surroundings, routines, children and staff there. If your child has any food allergies, is vegetarian/vegan or for religious reasons cannot eat certain foods, please let us know.
School dinners are booked on a daily basis (at morning register). Further information on the weekly menu can be found below.
Currently the cost of a hot school dinner plus pudding is £1.95 for Preschool children . This is in addition to the £4.20 cost for the 1 hour lunch club care if funding is not used (see below information about payment.)
If your child prefers, you can provide them with a packed lunch. To prevent potential choking please cut up certain food items e.g. grapes, cherry tomatoes, etc and due to children with nut allergies we would appreciate your assistance by not sending your child to school with anything containing nuts.
Water is always available at lunch time.
How do I pay for Preschool sessions and school dinners?
An ongoing, weekly invoice for Preschool sessions (including lunch club care), will be issued when your child starts at Preschool. This will show in detail which sessions/lunch clubs your Nursery Education funding is used for (if claiming), which sessions/lunch clubs are subject to fees and the costs entailed for the week. Should you increase or change your Preschool sessions the following term then a new, updated weekly ongoing invoice will be issued.
We are trying to become a cashless school. Fees for sessions/lunch clubs not covered by funding will be uploaded on a daily basis to our ParentPay system which your child will be registered with once starting at Preschool. This gives parents/carers the opportunity to pay in a flexible manner, be it daily, weekly or monthly. ParentPay is a way of securely paying by bank transfer but it also is a record of payments due and made. Please log in and have a look. If you mislay your original set up letter with log in details please contact the office for a copy. If you wish to pay cash contact the office to discuss the option of paying via PayPoint card which can be used at East Bridgford News, Co-op in Lowdham or where you see the PayPoint logo.
We also accept certain childcare vouchers (please see below) and we are registered with the Government's Tax-free Childcare scheme.
Dinner monies are paid separately from Preschool fees and once again details can be found on your ParentPay account. Childcare vouchers cannot be used to pay for school meals. Any queries about school dinner monies should be directed to the office staff.
What about using suncream?
Parents/carers are asked to provide children’s sunscreen (clearly labelled with their child's name) and hats during their time at Preschool in the warmer months. We also ask that parents/carers ensure that sun cream is applied before coming to preschool. If children are staying for a full day session, Preschool staff will encourage children to re-apply their own sunscreen after lunch. If a child struggles to apply directly from the bottle then staff will put a small amount of sunscreen on the skin and will encourage children to independently rub the sunscreen in themselves, giving them simple instructions on what to do. For this reason we would recommend the roller-ball applicator.