Preschool - Mrs Morrell/ Mrs Cruse/ Mrs Spence/Miss Smith

Welcome to all our Preschool families, both old and new!
The Preschool Team is
Mrs Morrell (Foundation 1- Lead)
Mrs Cruse (Foundation 1 - Deputy) who will be teaching Mon, Tues & Wed
Mrs Spence (Foundation 1 - Preschool Assistant) who will be teaching Wed, Thur & Fri
Miss Smith (Foundation 1 - Preschool Assistant) who will be teaching Mon, Tues, Thur & Fri
How to contact us
Please contact the school office on 01949 20226 during the day. They will then pass on any messages to us.
You can also catch us after the school pick-up for any quick queries or you need to update us about anything.
Please come and talk to us should you have any concerns about your child.
Useful Information
Please see below for information about what to wear, toilet training, snacks and drinks, daily routines, payment of fees, P.E, school dinners and much more!
What are we learning this week?
Whenever you ask, children always say nothing! This is very common!
On the Parents letters you will find details of the topic being covered and how we will be covering this.
Learning from Home
If you are at home self isolating, but feel well enough to do some nice activities, please find some activities below. Before you start we all know, learning at home is not always easy. Below are a few tips:
- Ensure that your child is well enough to be learning.
- Go easy on yourself and your child, keep everything short and sweet.
- Although we have put the activities into a timetable format, please do not feel that you have to follow these exactly. Complete as many of the activities as you can, when you can and in whichever order you choose.
- Ensure that you have lots of 'child-initiated' and outside times for you and your child to stay motivated and engaged.
- The fascination of working with 3 and 4 year-olds is that they are often very good at letting their imaginations run riot. Enjoy it and run with it, your child will still be learning.
Have fun and let us know how you get on
We also have stories, singing and other ideas that you may like to try here
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What have we been up to?
Our Preschool photo gallery!
Just let us know if you have any concerns or queries.