Phonics Phase 1
Maths Tallest colouring sheets
Number formation one and two
Funky Fingers
Dear Zoo
Can you:
- Draw an animal you
- would like to get from the zoo?
- Make the stick puppets and use them to retell the story?
- Do some take care colouring?
- Look at the animal photos and talk about them, What are they? What do they eat? where do they live?
Oh Dear
Here are some activities you make like to try at home
- Mud painting, mix oatmeal with washable paint and crate your own mud paintings.
- Draw your favourite Farm animal and write the sound they make.
- Can you sort the animals( sheets below) into farm and zoo animals
- Make the animal stick puppets or use toy animals to make a story up.
- Share your favourite animal story with someone at home and answer questions about the story.
Send in any work you have done, we love seeing what you have been up to at home.