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East Bridgford St Peter's Church of England Academy

Key Stage 1 Infants Miss Evans



Our class teacher is Miss Evans

Our teaching assistant is Mrs Wale (Tuesday all day and Wednesday afternoons) and Miss Carberry (afternoons only)


Year One begins the children's journey into Key Stage One, so it's a very important year!  We do lots of hands on leaning through our inspiring and creative curriculum.  We look forward to sharing our new and exciting news with you about all the fantastic things that happen in our Year 1 class. Sign up for your  child's Class Dojo to see what they have been up to and to keep up to date with their reward points. 

Here are a few things you might like to know about our year group:


  • Weekly spellings -  these will be sent home on  Friday. We only officially test the tricky word spellings (Phase 2 - 5) once every half term. We would expect to see the children using these spellings in their writing across the curriculum. 
  • Maths, English or topic task - we try to alternate between an English, Maths or Topic task each week. This is handed out on Friday, to be returned to school no later than the following Wednesday. Some of these will be projects which we expect to be of Take Care standard.
  • Reading  - each child will change their reading books when needed to. The class teacher will aim to hear every child read, either individually or within a group, at least once a week. Outside of school we expect children to read at least 3 times a week, ensuring to log this in their reading diaries. 
  • For every task your child completes they will receive a sticker for their Reward Passports. Once a full passport has been completed, they will be able to choose a prize from the prize box. 


  • PE on a Tuesday (inside) and Friday (outside weather permitting).
  • Computing on a Monday afternoon.
  • Daily Phonics lessons to help prepare the children for the Phonics Screening Check in June.
  • Show and Tell on a Friday - priority to the child who has made a "Home For" 

 What will the children need in school?

Everyday each child should bring to school their book bag containing their reading record and reading book.  

Each child is expected to have a PE kit in line with the school uniform policy.




We hope you know a little more about Year One now. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to come and speak to the Year One Class Teacher. 

