School Uniform
Preloved Uniform is always available from our Narnia Wardrobe! - if your child ever requires uniform or spare uniform just contact our office and you can drop by to take what you need. #upcycle #ReduceSchoolCarbonFootprint
Our Uniform
Here at St. Peter's we are extremely proud of our school identity and believe the wearing of a school uniform gives an immediate sense of belonging to our school community. The high standard we set in appearance is a signal to everyone of our expectations in effort, work and behaviour. The children at St. Peter's are all proud to wear their uniform.
How to Order
School uniform is only available to purchase online. Sample sizes are available from the school office to try on, so if you're ever unsure please let us know. If you need assistance ordering online, please contact the office for guidance and support.
Naming Items
It would be helpful if all items of children's clothing are clearly marked with their name on them.
PTA Pre-loved Uniform Swap
Throughout the year PTFA organise uniform swaps. Outgrown uniform in good condition may be brought into school on a specific day; items your child may need in a different size can also be requested This provides a way for parents/carers to pass on items they can no longer use and encourages a reuse culture.
School uniform is required each day. The school badge/logo should be displayed on uniform eg jumper, polo shirt, hoodie during the day. Generic items of clothing are acceptable, if you are unsure ask the school office.
PE kits - it is optional to have the school badge on PE kits. see photos of expected PE kit.
Summer dresses are optional in the summer (these do not usually have the school badge on them, this is acceptable).
Our branded clothing is only available through our specified retailer.