KS2 Juniors Mrs Gilbey
Welcome to Year 5!
I would like to start by saying a very warm welcome to all children (new and old!) and their parents/carers!
Many of you will already know me if I have taught your child previously in Key Stage 1 and I am excited to be working with your children once again as well as getting to know children who are new to me.
Working alongside us this year will be Mrs Smith, sports coaches and other additional staff. This year is already looking to be a very exciting and busy one with many different topics that offer opportunities for the children to create, explore and enhance their learning.
For your information, an outline of each term’s topics will shortly be available for you to view on the curriculum subpage of the main school website.
Useful Information
- Every week there will be a homework e-newsletter to parents/carers uploaded to the class page. This will provide useful upcoming dates and information about the week’s learning along with any homework to complete. This will be uploaded every Friday.
- Children will require both an indoor and an outdoor P.E. kit.
PE will take place on Thursday (indoors) and on a Friday (outdoors) for the first half term. From November this will change to a Tuesday for indoor P.E. The outdoor slot will remain the same until the end of the Autumn term. I will let you know of any changes in good time,
- Now that the children are getting older, I am happy for them to take their P.E. kit home at the end of the week for a wash. This is a personal choice.
- A clean water bottle can be brought into school every day if required to be stored at our ‘water bottle station’ at the back of the classroom. Alternatively, each child has been allocated a drink cup if preferred.
- Please name all clothing and equipment – any mislaid clothing is far more likely to be returned!
- I have already spoken to the children about pencil cases – I am happy for them to bring one from home if they wish to, but the golden rule is that it is small enough to fit into their personal tray at the end of each day. This is not compulsory as we have plenty of appropriate resources in school.
- Reading logs / diaries - These will be used in school by the children as well as at home. Therefore, the children will need to be responsible for making sure they are brought into school every day. Weekly spellings will be recorded in the diary as well as a log of any personal reading. Children are welcome to bring in their own books to read from home, however we do have a large and varied selection both in our school library and my classroom
- Handwriting and spelling will take place every day ensuring these skills are being taught, practiced and applied.
- Communication - If you have any queries, please feel free to use parentcorrespondence@st-peters.notts.sch.uk to contact the office, who will forward your queries on to me. I will also be present on the playground after school. If your query is urgent and requires an immediate response, please call the school office as the first point of contact on 01949 20226.
- Coming soon…. ‘The Adventures of Bruce’ – an opportunity to show off and develop writing skills as well as taking care of Bruce for a week.