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East Bridgford St Peter's Church of England Academy

Church School

Proud to be a Church of England School

East Bridgford St Peter’s Church of England Academy is a caring and Christian community. Our whole school community of children, parents, staff and governors have contributed to articulating our vision for the education we aim to provide and as  a parent, pupil, visitor or member of staff you will find that our school  aims to offer the best education, as other schools would, but the way in which the school works is different and distinctive, rooted in our Christian values that affect the way in which everyone behaves and the way in which everyone is respected, we do this by a TAKE CARE approach.  In order to nurture children’s spirituality, we ensure that East Bridgford St Peter’s Church of England Academy:

  • Is led by a Headteacher who is committed, with the help of the Church community, staff & governors, to maintain the Christian character of the school.
  • Enables children to engage meaningfully in acts of Christian worship both in school and in Church.
  • Links SMSC to our Distinctively Christian Character through our House Teams of Love, Kindness, Thankfulness & Togetherness.
  • Offers school life that incorporates the values of the Christian faith.
  • Observes the major Christian festivals.
  • Ensure those children of other faiths are able to and encouraged to mark their major festivals with integrity.
  • Incorporates Living Life in all its Fullness John10:10 throughout our school.
  • Celebrating Life in all its Fullness    eg in Weekly Newsletters
  • Maintains and develops an active and affirming relationship with the local Church Community.

School Prayer in British Sign Language - A Take Care school

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Collective Worship & Assembly themes 2024-2025

church links overview

SMSC Spiritual Moral Social Cultural

SMSC (spritual moral social cultural) is defined as

Christian Distinctiveness - Striving for Life in all its fullness John 10:10

In line with the Church of England's role as the established Church, our vision is for the common good of the whole community.

Educating for wisdom, knowledge and skills: enabling discipline, confidence and delight in seeking wisdom and knowledge, and developing talents in all areas of life.

Educating for hope and aspiration: enabling healing, repair and renewal, coping wisely when things go wrong, opening horizons and guiding people into ways of fulfilling them.

Educating for community and living well together: a core focus on relationships, participation in communities and the qualities of character that enable people to flourish together.

Educating for dignity and respect: the basic principle of respect for the value and preciousness of each person, treating each person as a unique individual of inherent worth.


At St Peter's our distinctly Christian Values are:

Togetherness, Thankfulness, Kindness & Love (taken from 4 Bible quotes *see below) 


Within the context of Christian belief and practice, St Peter’s has developed a set of core (hand) values otherwise known as our ‘Take Care’ values which will continue to underpin all the work we do.


In our firm opinion, they help to deepen your child’s (personal to them) positive principles and in doing so, help them consider the implications of their choices in relation to themselves, the communities from which they are part of and the wider world. As we join together in our school prayer: Oh Lord, bless our school, help us to ‘Take Care’ of ourselves, each other, the world and with our work. Amen. As we ask everyone to consider, ‘What does this mean to me?’ In turn, helping them to understand who they are but more importantly who they can become as they learn and grow.


Our behaviour policy is very much based on Christian values of forgiveness and having 'the opportunity to put things right' & 'Your behaviour is your responsibility'. In essence, learning from our mistakes whilst owning your behaviour choices. Ultimately, if you are a Christian, a different faith or even do not belong to a faith, we want every child to leave St Peter's feeling capable in their future life choices and loved for who they are.

Experience Church. January 2025

Experience Advent November 2024

Experience Easter 2023

House Teams of Christian Values linked to the Bible


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Our Church Foundation Governors: Peter Golightly, Rev Ruth Colby, John Hunter


Think about the Bible stories you have heard in collective worship or in your 


Read through or watch some of these Bible stories.

How many of the following activities 

can you complete?  Bring  into school to show your teacher, your class and Mr Tomlinson and  earn extra Take 

Care tokens. 


  • Can you draw a picture from your favourite Bible story and display it in your class reflection corner?
  • What do we learn from the Bible story? Go and tell your teacher!
  • Do you have a favourite Bible story? Can you present it in a creative way?
  • Can you find a Bible story you like and share it with your class?
  • Share a Bible story you have enjoyed at school with people at home
  • Can you  create a comic strip story of your favourite story?
  • How else can you show your understanding of bible stories?