LKS2 - Miss Rundle and Miss Smith
Welcome to our Class Page
We are Year 3 and Year 4.
We have currently gone volcano and rock mad!
Please send your child in with a water bottle.
Next week is due to be extremely cold and wintery. Please send in gloves and hats if possible as well as warm coats.
There are a lot of clubs that require PE kit:
Monday - Tennis
Wednesday - PE lesson outdoors (bring a jumper, joggers, gloves and a bag for your muddy trainers)
Football - shins pads must be worn and warm layers are needed
Thursday - handball
Friday - Outdoor PE (trainers needed and warm clothes) and outdoor cross country
We have recorders on a Wednesday lunchtime.
Please remember to bring in your musical instrument for your individual lessons.
Please can you send in separate trainers for outdoor PE. The field is now rather muddy and we need to change our trainers before we enter school and our classroom. It helps us to take care of our school environment. Bring more layers, hat and gloves too to keep you warm.
Please return homework by the following Thursday. A huge thank you for returning the homework sheets.
Ruby our class teddy may well visit your house soon. She likes to have stories read to her and watch you work or play.
In the classroom we have a display of Ruby's adventures.
If you have any questions, please speak to me after school or make an appointment and I will always do my best to help.
If your child is being collected by someone else either email or phone the office to confirm this.
Many thanks, Miss Rundle and Miss Smith