Mrs Marston Challenges
26th June
Hi guys! For some reason last week's challenge did not load! It was to attempt Jessie's pooch quiz (or even my cookery quiz!).
You will be pleased to know that Mrs Smith has managed to upload Samson's video challenge to learn a Polynesian song, complete with actions and words! Please have a go and let me know how it went. I am sure you will enjoy doing at home as much as we have at school! Well done Samson!
This week I would like you to do one challenge off my parrot page - science or DT activities. There are over 50 to choose from ranging from making a mini working washing machine, how to make a yacht from 5000 bottles, how to turn an egg into a bouncing ball or Buddy Oliver cooking tutorials. Please take a photo of you doing the experiment/activity or a copy of the finished work and email it to me on I expect to hear from EVERYONE! Eleanor and Pippa did an excellent video on chromatography that you could look at on the class page to give you inspiration. Please try and choose something that you have never done before.
Good Luck
12th June
Samson's Challenge!
Samson has responded to my challenge to learn 4 greetings in Hawaiian from my Things Mrs M... page on the class website and has videoed himself singing a Polynesian song that he would like you to learn and teach other people!
He says:
Your post on Hawaiian greetings last week, inspired me to share a Polynesian song with the class which I am learning to play on the ukulele. I have made a video of me showing the actions that goes with the song but I could not display the words so here they are:
'E po itai tai e
E po itai tai e
E po itai itai
E po i tuki tuki
E po i tuki tuki e'
I hope that you all have a go at learning the words and the actions. This challenge goes extremely well with this week's theme of Healthy Lives. Good luck and thank you Samson!
Samson's Challenge

7th June
Aloha! If you want to learn what language this is, go to the Things Mrs M thought we might find interesting section.
An especially useful challenge today - learn how to make your own protective(to a small extent) face mask using just two pieces of fabric, some kitchen roll and some narrow elastic. You don't even need a sewing machine. Go to the Things Mrs M thought we might find interesting section and follow the YouTube tutorial or use the downloadable instructions below for a more complicated version. Photos please!
Make your own face masks - you need a sewing machine for these!
4th June
This week in school I have been playing antonym ping pong with the InSchool Crew. This doesn't need a bat or a ball but one person says a word and the other has to say the opposite (antonym). It is supposed to be quickfire and get increasingly difficult, everyone having 3 lives but losing a life if they hesitate, get the opposite wrong or can't think of a word. Don't tell the Year 5 and 6 crew but the Year 2 and 3s were way better and MUCH faster!
My challenge is for you to see how many antonyms you can find. I don't think that anyone can find more than 50 pairs. To make it EXTRA hard, I don't want you to use the internet as that (in this instance) is ch**ting! Make a list and send it into me on the class email! Who will be the antonym superstar? Can you beat the Year 2/3s? No pressure there, gang!
22nd May
May 22nd Challenge Details
This week I am asking you to do either an entry for the Spirited Art Competition or The Creation Letter Project. Of course, if you are very enthusiastic, you can do both. I would really love to see copies of your work but obviously you will need to submit them to the organisers yourself. Mr Tomlinson is VERY enthusiastic about pupils doing this work so will be very impressed by those who get creative and enter their designs or letter. All the details are covered in the pdfs above but if you need more help, email me on the class email.
Good Luck
May 13th
May 7th
My challenge for you this week is to draw, write, video or create a memory model of working with Miss Peckover. I am sure by now that you will all have seen that she is retiring this year and I know that many of you have happy memories of performing in plays with her, doing fab through the keyhole work, learning about Elvis (Uhuh) and World Book Day to name but a few. I think it would be really lovely to mark her amazing contribution to the school and say THANK YOU.
I look forward to seeing what you come up with!
Don't forget to send in examples of your challenge work.
Mrs M
April 30th
This week I would like you to find out all about the Beaufort Wind Scale. Here are some questions to help you formulate your ideas and research.
- What is the highest number on the Beaufort wind scale?
- What sort of things happen at scale force 6?
- Try and find out the different wind speeds at each level?
- What sort of things would you expect to happen at scale force 12?
- Describe what smoke might do at Scale force 0.
I think the best way to do this would be to draw up a table. A good site to use to help find the facts is:
Finally test all the adults you know on their knowledge of the Beaufort Wind scale! If you are video calling your grandparents, you may find that they are experts as this is one of the things they had to learn off by heart at school!
I would love to see your work so please email it into our class page. I am still looking forward to seeing the cloud work challenge results (hint, hint!).