LKS2 - Mrs Archer Dytch
Welcome to Our Class!
This half term our topic is Ancient Civilisations-This is our Non- European history topic looking Ancient Sumer and Ancient Egypt, locating them on a world map and learning about everyday life in ancient times. We shall learn how artifacts help us find out about important information and we shall even have a go at being archaeologist and take part in our own archaeological dig! We will be studying the book Secret of a Sun King by Emma Carrol.
We shall also study electricity through science and figure drawing and ancient sculpture through art.
Our PE days will be Monday (indoor) and Wednesday (outdoor). The children need to bring suitable clothing for indoor and outdoor PE. Indoor -shorts and a tee- shirt and clean trainers. Outdoor, warm kit - long tracksuit bottoms and sweatshirts, hats and gloves are advised on very cold days.
Reading books - Children can change their books whenever they need to, we simply ask that they record in the class reading log which new book they have taken and stay within the set colour band.
Our Class email address is, please use this email address to contact me directly with any class related queries.
Thank you,
Mrs Archer Dytch