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East Bridgford St Peter's Church of England Academy

Term Dates, School Day & Useful Information

INSET DAYS 2024/2025 Academic Year (school closed for staff training)

Monday 2nd September 2024
Tuesday 3rd September 2024
Friday 25th October 2024
Monday 4th November 2024 (ASPIRE INSET)
Friday 27th June 2025  (BBQ Thursday 26th June  & Village show Saturday 28th June 2025)


2024 - 2025

Coming to school - 8.35am start bell. 3.25pm finish bell. 

Gates open at 8.30am (Preschool starts at 8.30am). School Bell at 8.35am. Gates closed at 8.40am.

Registration closes at 8.45am.

3.25pm bell. Gates opened for home time at 3.30pm

Lessons begin after registration at 8.45am

The children will spend at least 32.5hrs at school every week

Morning: Please enter through Kneeton Road gate and exit through the alleyway unless the foot-flow is calmer. St Peter's gate. 

Preschool and Reception parents may walk with their child (through the double gate, one side left open) to 'old building' entrance doors, then rejoin the path to exit.

Bus children will be met upon arrival usually around 8.35am and enter school straight away through the double gate. 

Please do not send your child to school unsupervised as the gates are locked from 8.40am. Please stay with your child on the playground in the morning as there are no staff on duty - they are ready to receive your children in the classroom once the bell has gone.

At the end of the day 

The school bell sounds at 3.25pm,  gates will be opened shortly after at 3.30pm, once all the children are on the playground. Safeguarding is our priority.

Children will be waiting on the playground at the end of the day. 

The one-way system will continue as the parent/carer is joined on the path as they walk along the school path and exit through the single blue gate.

Year 5 & 6 children (with permission from home) can exit the school at 3.30pm by themselves/siblings.

Please have a conversation each morning with your child so they are clear what the arrangement is for after school that day!

Please note parents and carers are not permitted to access the school building for safeguarding without permission.

Thank you for your support!


For safeguarding purposes the school operates CCTV. School is the operator of the system.


Please ensure your child's dinners are paid for in advance via ParentPay.

Please be aware that we have pupils in school with nut allergies - we would appreciate your assistance by not sending your child to school with food containing nuts.

Link to Mrs. Plumb's delicious menus here!

Medicines in school

If your child requires medicine during school time a form will need to be completed and returned to The form is available on the website. Medicines will be administered at lunchtime only (before or after), so we would ask you to bear this in mind when planning the timings for your child's medicine at home. Please note antiobiotics will only be given in school if the prescribed dosage is 4x a day.

Also, feel free to come in to school and administer medicine yourself. We ask you to do this NOT around lunchtime (11.45am-1.15pm) as this is a busy time for staff.

Milk (KS1 & KS2)

If you would like your child to receive milk and they are not already registered, please go online and register your child for school milk at If you require a paper form please contact the office. The subsidised price is around £14 per term for over-fives.


Keep updated with our weekly Headteacher's Newsletter and Week at a Glance - uploaded every Friday!


We are a cashless school using ParentPay to collect all payments. If you need a reminder of your log in details, please contact the office for a copy. For new parents, a letter will be sent to you shortly with this information. If you wish to pay cash please contact the office to discuss the option of paying via PayPoint card which can be used at East Bridgford News, Sainsburys in Bingham, Co-op in Lowdham, or wherever you see the PayPoint logo.


We would like to remind you of the need for consideration when parking outside of school, especially at the beginning and end of the school day (particularly avoiding parking on the zig zags outside of school, opposite school on the other side of the road, outside residents' driveways, on Cuttle Hill and also the Pub carpark).

Playground consideration


Please can we kindly ask parents/carers not to bring dogs onto the school grounds. We would also request that dogs are not left anywhere that might block access or risk frightening a child.


Can we ask that children refrain from riding scooters/cycling in the school playground. In addition, please ensure children do not climb on the wall/railings/trees at the front of school.

Use of playground outside of school hours

Please can we request that you do not allow your children to use the playground out of school hours for games including cycling, skateboarding, scooters etc. This is also in consideration of our neighbour whose house is at the end of the playground which forms her only access and driveway.

Request for withdrawal from school-based learning

For known absences please complete the form which is available on the website, and return to

Please note that the school cannot authorise any time off school unless it is for a one off/exceptional circumstance eg family wedding, funeral, armed forces time off. A family holiday is not deemed exceptional to authorise unless there are circumstances around this. Should you choose to take your child(ren) away from school in term time it will not be authorised unless it meets the recommended guidelines. Children with poor attendance are monitored closely. Persistent lateness or absences from school may result in parents/carers being required to attend an 'Attendance Meeting' with the Head Teacher.

Our Yearly Attendance Target is 97+% as set by school Governors.

School Bus - Newton

The current provider for is Nottingham Minibuses & Coaches Ltd (Tel 0155 8440343). 

Updated guidance from Nottinghamshire County Council, who are responsible for the school transport to and from Newton:

To apply for a bus pass please click here.

We ask you to register your child/ren weekly to confirm the bus days for the week ahead. A form will be sent via text message/T2P app on a Friday, for completion by 8.30am Monday. This will then form the bus register for the week ahead, so if there are any subsequent changes please phone the school office on 01949 20226. Please note a new form will need to be completed weekly; if we do not hear from you your child will not be put on the bus!

Uniform orders

In order to speed up the turnaround of uniform orders, we offer an online facility to allow parents/carers to purchase uniform directly from the manufacturers, Just Schoolwear. This enables payment by debit/credit cards, which further increases our ability to become a cashless school.

Please see further information on our 'school uniform' page.

Urgent messages for school

If you need to contact school regarding collection arrangements for your child ie after school, or for any other urgent matters - please ring the school office on 01949 20226 as there may be occasions when emails are not picked up during the day. Thank you!


Please follow our school @StPetersEb (this is not a public account)

Walking home - Years 5&6

Please ensure you have completed the relevant permission on the 'Parental Consent Form' and returned this to the office if you are allowing your child to walk home by themselves. Do remember to confirm with your child their home arrangements on a daily basis.  

