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East Bridgford St Peter's Church of England Academy

UKS2 - Miss Walton

Y6 Leavers Service PDF of PowerPoint

Sorry, the actual PowerPoint is too large a file to upload to the website.

Hello and a warm welcome to our class page 😁! This year is your final year at St. Peter's and it is already set to be a fun, exciting and busy one. Please see the curriculum information sub-page to see what we are getting up to this term.


Useful Information

  • In our classroom this year we will be supported at times by Mrs Smith.
  • Every week there will be a homework e-newsletter to parents/guardians via email, which will let you know what we have been up to that week. It will also detail any homework to complete. This will be emailed out each Friday and can also be found on the class page of the website. During SATs preparation, children will have SATs specific homework with a timetable in the front. There will be no newsletters during this period - please refer to the Headteacher's newsletter and weekly for information.
  • This year, PE will be on a Thursday afternoon and a Friday morning. Children will need to bring their PE kit into school to get changed into, and an additional jacket (if required) - recommended now it is getting colder!
  • A clean, fresh water bottle is to be brought into school every day and kept at the side of the classroom. Children will be able to have a drink when they need one.
  • Please name all clothing and equipment. Children have had a name label placed onto their diaries.
  • School diaries and reading books - These will be used in school by the children as well as at home, so they will need bringing in each day. The children will write their weekly spellings in these and also keep a log of any personal reading in there, as well as what books they have read in a book list. Children are welcome to bring in their own books to read from home, however we do have a large and varied selection in our school library. I also have a wide variety of books in my classroom, that the children can borrow. We also vote on a class novel to read at the end of the day for 15 minutes.
  • Handwriting and spelling will take place every day ensuring these skills are being taught, practiced and applied.
  • Spellings will be tested every Friday. Words to learn for the following week will be written into diaries.
  • Forms - It is worth keeping in mind that if you are able to fill in forms online for the office, or email these, rather than children bringing in printed versions, this is much quicker.
  • Communication - If you have any queries, please feel free to use to contact the office, who will forward your queries on to me. I will also be present on the playground after school. If your query is urgent and requires an immediate response, please call the school office as the first point of contact on 01949 20226.

