School Logo

East Bridgford St Peter's Church of England Academy

Upper Key Stage 2 Mrs Marston

Welcome to Mrs Marston's Class!

This term we will be studying:

  • The Victorians
  • Properties of materials
  • Role models
  • photography, portraits and decoupage
  • Writing autobiographies and biographies
  • Hopefully twinning with Hill Mead School in Brixton - we have done lots of work in preparation and Mrs Marston has visited the school already (she was very impressed).

We do sport on Thursday afternoons (please have fully named indoor and outdoor kit ready ).

Homework is given out on Fridays and should be returned and signed into the homework log the following Friday. Each week children will receive a weekly maths sheet, two times tables grids (please do not spend more than 10 minutes per grid on these and remember to fill in your score record) and a piece of English/science or topic related homework. Spare copies are always kept in the classroom. Please let me know as soon as possible if your child is unable to do the work or is struggling for any reason so that I can help. From 24th January, I will be running Homework Club for an hour after school on Thursday nights.


Our class target is to read a minimum of 6 books a term. These can be books read at home or ones from the school library. I encourage children to write a book review once every three books although enthusiastic readers/reviewers are welcome to do as many as they want. Review forms are , surprisingly, in the Book Review folder at the back of the classroom, together with the book log.


Hot Seat Talks are on Tuesday afternoons. Children prepare a talk or presentation a topic chosen for them by the rest of the class at the start of term. Children are no longer permitted to bring a memory stick into school; any powerpoints should be emailed to the school office. If the talk involves food, please can you check with me first as several children have allergies or intolerances.


Mrs Swain and Mrs Reid are our two literacy volunteers who come in to help with spellings and general English work. Year 5/6 NC spellings are in the planners. Please encourage your child to practise  spellings and times tables each week. Every Friday the children fill in their work evaluation chart in their planners where they share their thoughts on work that we have done in the week, it is usually very interesting reading and it would be great if you could have a look.


We have lots of fun in class and are very creative! We especially love GoNoodle, the Oddizzi Quiz Umbozu, Digimaps and Purple Mash, all of which can be accessed at home.


If you have any queries or need to speak to me, please either email the school office or catch me after or before school (preferably before 8.30). I am always happy to see people.


Other people in the UKS2 team are Year 6 Miss McHugh (assistant head), Year 5/6 Miss Brownley, Mrs Smith and Mrs Peach.

