KS1 Infants - Mrs Lewis/ Miss Horsfield
We would like to start by saying a very warm welcome to all of the children and their parents! This year is already looking to be a very exciting and busy one and we hope we can support each other in providing the best possible experience for your childs' learning journey with us.
In Year 1 your child will build on the foundations of learning that they experienced in EYFS. They will continue to develop independence both in their work and in social skills. We will help them to take a greater responsibility for organising themselves and help them to realise that they are responsible for their behaviour. At St Peters' we expect our children to be ready, respectful and safe, all three of which feature prominently in and out of the classroom. There is a key focus this year on instilling one of life’s greatest skills: curiosity and a lifelong love of learning. Together we hope that by the end of KS1, your child will become a confident and fluent reader, develop a life long love of reading, a master of number and an enthusiastic learner. We hope that we can help them to discover who they want to become by providing a wide scope of opportunities.
Please do keep checking back on this page for the latest newsletters (uploaded fortnightly), useful information on how to help your child at home and some sneak peaks into what life is like inside our classroom.
As always, any queries, please come and see us on the playground after school. Any day-to-day messages please send to parentcorrespondence@st-peters.notts.sch.uk.
We can't wait to see what this year brings,
Mrs Lewis and Miss Evans