KS2 Juniors Mrs Archer Dytch
Hello parents/carers and children - Welcome to Year 3/4!
Welcome to the start of a brand-new school year! I am thrilled to have you in Class 3/4 and am looking forward to an exciting and productive year ahead.
Useful information:
- In our classroom this year, you will be taught primarily by Mrs Archer Dytch (class teacher) but at times Mrs Smith, sports coaches and additional staff.
- Every fortnight I will send out a class newsletter which will let you know what we have been up to. This will be uploaded on to this webpage every other Friday. Please check this page for homework set.
- This term PE will be on a Monday afternoon and Friday morning (in the hall) children need to bring suitable clothing for PE. Term 2 we will be outside. In case of adverse weather we will be indoor. As the weather changes, a warm kit - long tracksuit bottoms and sweatshirts, hats and gloves - are advised on very cold days.
- Reading books - As children are now in Key Stage Two, children can change their books whenever they need to, using our school library or the class library. We simply ask that they record in the class reading log which new book they have taken and stay within the set colour band.
- Spellings: We are following the ‘No Nonsense’ spelling scheme and this will be taught during SPaG lessons or during a specific timetabled slot. Alongside this we learn the Statutory Year 3/4 spellings; therefore, I will send the Statutory spelling list home with the spelling your child needs to learn.
- Work diary: School diaries are needed in school EVERY day. We use them to record reading and commendations and other information we feel you may need to know.
If you have any concerns or just wish to discuss your child’s progress, I am always happy to talk, but can I please ask that you make an appointment first, via the office or by catching me at the end of the day in the playground. Thank you.
I am looking forward to getting to know each and every one of you. Let’s make this year a fun, educational, and memorable one. Here’s to a fantastic year in Class 3/4!