Learn to 'Touch-Type' & 'Code' plus much much more...with Purple Mash & BBC website
'Purple Mash' is a website to meet (and exceed) the requirements of the New ICT Curriculum. Children will be able to access this website at home and in school. 'Purple Mash' challenges children to; write computer code, touch type, de-bug, create animations, write Apps, create images, mash photos & much much more across the entire curriculum.
Login cards are now with the children... so look out.
The children & staff experienced 'Purple Mash' in an exciting ICT assembly on Monday 10th February 2014.
All children have been given a whole school challenge to learn to 'touch type' using the 2type programme on purple mash & the BBC website, there are many levels to help your children, and parents, to learn to touch type - a life skill!
The children had an 'E-Safety' assembly on Thursday 27th February 2014.
A school 'E-Safety' leaflet has been sent home to reinforce safety on the internet in school and at home.
Further copies are available from the office
Use your ID Login and password