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East Bridgford St Peter's Church of England Academy

Over the Moon!


As part of our Stargazer topic we have been looking at all things to do with the solar system. Some of you have learnt about Neil Armstrong and Yuri Gagarin and as a class we watched the TV coverage and news reports of epic first steps on the moon but what do you know about the pioneer female astronauts, mathematicians and scientists? Research and present a fact file on one of the following fantastic and amazing women.

  • Katherine Jackson   
  • Dorothy Vaughan
  • Mary Jackson
  • Dr Gladys West.

For decades, female NASA employees dubbed "human computers" helped the United States excel in the space race, but yet their critical contributions remained largely unacknowledged, not only outside NASA but within it. ​​​​​​​

See what you can find out in order to tell everyone else about the contribution these women made to our everyday life and that of the astronauts on their journey into space. 

House Points up for grabs!
