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East Bridgford St Peter's Church of England Academy

Lower Key Stage 2 – Mrs Archer Dytch

Welcome to Class 3/4.


We are part of Lower Key Stage 2. Myself, Mrs. Cains, Mrs Lewis and Miss Peckover work very closely together to provide a strong, Lower Key Stage 2 team experience.

Mrs Smith will support across the classes.


Key Information:


Spellings: All three classes follow the 'No Nonsense' spelling scheme. Spellings will be sent home from the statutory Year 3 and 4 spelling list and can also be found in the school work diary. Year 4 children are expected to spell all the words correctly by the end of the year. Year 3 children are recommended to know at least 50% of the list by the end of the year.


Work Diaries: School diaries are needed in school every day. We use them to record reading and commendations and other information we feel you may need to know.


P.E:  Lacrosse will be taught during the Autumn and Summer terms on Wednesdays.  Indoor P.E will be during the Spring term on Friday mornings.  Please send the appropriate, named, clothing required for each session. 


Homework: I will send homework home that will support learning in class, for example a maths worksheet or topic research. Please encourage your child to go on Oddizzi and Purplemash, both websites are fun and easy to access. I would encourage daily reading and regular practise of times tables.

Year 4 will be doing a National Times Table test in June.


Art: Please bring an old shirt/ t-shirt for art lessons. Mrs. Young is currently coming to help us make Ancient Greek pots.


Troy Story: There will be two performances of our play.  These will take place on Tuesday March 24th at 2.00pm and Wednesday March 25th at 6.00pm.


Walesby Residential: We will be taking all Year 4 children to Walesby Forest Outdoor Education and Activity Centre, Nottinghamshire, for two nights from Monday 30th March to Wednesday 1st April 2020.


Dukes Barn Residential: we will be taking all Year3 children to the Dukes Barn Activity centre in Chatsworth, Derbyshire for two nights from Monday 15th June to Wednesday 17th June 2020.



Walesby 2020 YEAR 4 residential slideshow information
